Sunday, October 26, 2008

2 New Posts read Both -- Black Cliffs -- Rock Climbing

The last several weeks we have been logging some serious hours on the Basalt Columns of the Boise Black Cliffs. Rock climbing has several elements that make it fun and challenging the three that stick out to me are the Mental element, the Physical element and the Fear element. Ever since we've been rock climbing we have tried to take the Fear element out of the equation as much as possible by following the safest technique in rock climbing; "Top Rope Climbing". When top rope climbing (as seen in the below picture) the rope is always fixed above at the top of whatever you are trying to climb.

If one were to let go of the rock when top roping the climber wouldn't fall at all as the rope is always holding them from above! At first top roping has the element of "Fear" but it goes away quickly when you realize you aren't falling anywhere when you let go of the rock. So to add the Element of Fear back into our climbing we decided it was time to Lead Climb. When lead climbing the "Leader" ties the rope to his/her harness and starts to climb. As the leader climbs higher they fix protection in elevated increments using carabiners clipped to the rock then they clip the rope into the carabiners thus protecting themselves from a fall. The protection points are anywhere between 5-12 feet apart on most climbs, so if the leader is above the last protection he would fall double the distance from the last protection; possibly 24 feet at worst case. Below are some pictures of me leading for the first time on a climb called Sweet Adene a 5.8 difficulty. Luckily I didn't fall and had a great time with all 3 elements of rock climbing back together again!

Vince and Randi joined our climbing crew today... it was their first time climbing on rock, and they both did excellent! Here are some pics from our day out on the rock.

Vince Belaying

Before the Big Climb!

Vince making a leap... Nicely Done

Fighting the bulge to get on top!

"Easy"... He says

Randi half way up

Having a great time look No Hands

Randi fighting the bulge to get on top

Everyone is watching... Don't Screw Up!

No problem she says as she sits on top of Sweet Adene!

1 comment:

Krista said...

I hyperventilate just looking at the pictures!! eeek.